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41 security guards hired by a private recruiting agency to work at the PyeongChang Winter Olympics were confirmed to be suspected norovirus patients. With the PyeongChang Winter Olympics just around the corner, concerns are being raised about the food safety at PyeongChang, following reports of 41 security guards showing symptoms of norovirus infection. As a precautionary measure, some 1,200 private security staff have been sidelined and replaced with military personnel pending medical tests. -to sideline (v.)to prevent (a person) from pursui..
A record-breaking snowfall in the Russian capital of Moscow is wreaking havoc on the city’s residents, with at least 50 cm blanketing the city as of Monday morning. As such, Moscow authorities said attending school was "optional" on Monday as the Russ.. A record-breaking snowfall in the Russian capital of Moscow is wreaking havoc on the city’s residents, with at least 50 cm blanketing the city as of Monday morning. As such, Moscow authorities said attending school was "optional" on Monday as the Russian capital was bracing for more snow and icy weather.
A North Korean art troupe that is slated to perform in Seoul and Gangneung to mark the upcoming PyeongChang Winter Olympics will cross the border to the South.... A North Korean art troupe that is slated to perform in Seoul and Gangneung to mark the upcoming PyeongChang Winter Olympics will cross the border to the South today via ferry, a 9-thousand-700 ton cargo-passenger vessel which transported the North's cheering squad for the 2002 Asian Games in Busan. -to be slated to (v.)to be expected to happen
The government put forth a policy plan that includes increasing the number of midsized firms to 5-thousand-500 by 2022, and creating some 130-thousand new jobs from such enterprises. The government put forth a policy plan that includes increasing the number of midsized firms to 5-thousand-500 by 2022, and creating some 130-thousand new jobs from such enterprises. By definition, midsized companies are those that are not small companies nor affiliates of large companies. They should generate 40 billion won to 150 billion won in sales or have 500 billion won to 10 trillion won ..
Samsung Electronics Vice Chairman Lee Jae-yong was released after he was handed a sentence of two and a half years in prison with a stay of execution for four years. Samsung Electronics Vice Chairman Lee Jae-yong, who was indicted last year on charges including giving bribes to former president Park Geun-hye and her confidante Choi Soon-sil, was released after he was handed a sentence of two and a half years in prison with a stay of execution for four years. According to industry insiders, the returning heir is expected to make large-scale strategic decision..
'동영상으로 배우는 중국어 명언' 겸손은 공부의 친구이지만, 자만은 공부의 적이다. 谦虚是学习的朋友,自满是学习的敌人。 "인생은 자전거를 타는 것과 같다. 평형을 유지하면서 앞으로 가야만 한다. "人生就像骑单车. 想保持平衡就得往前走. "많은 사람들이 바라는 꿈은 이 세상을 바꾸는 것인데, 자신을 바꾸고 싶어하는 사람은 매우 적다. "很多人的理想是要改变这个世界, 但却很少有人愿意去改变自己。 인연이 있으면 천리 밖에서도 만나게 된다. 有缘千里来相会。
A recent revelation of sexual molestation in the workplace by a female prosecutor has set momentum for a rapid growth of the so-called “MeToo” movement in Korea. A recent revelation of sexual molestation in the workplace by a female prosecutor has set momentum for a rapid growth of the so-called “MeToo” movement in Korea. For instance, the MeToo movement has spread to universities and colleges in the country. Ahead of freshmen orientation and other events scheduled for later this month, students’ associations are reportedly reinforcing their training pro..
A warplane operated by Russia, which is backing the Syrian government troops in the country’s civil war... A warplane operated by Russia, which is backing the Syrian government troops in the country’s civil war, was shot down by the rebels. The Russian defense ministry confirmed that the Su-25 aircraft was shot down by what seems to have been a portable anti-aircraft missile system over the Idlib de-escalation zone. It added that the pilot had enough time to announce he had ejected into the zone, but..