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English News

The #UnitedNations expressed serious concern that 65 percent of all premature #deaths from #airpollution happen in #Asia.

The United Nations expressed serious concern that 65 percent of all premature deaths from air pollution happen in Asia. Five of the top 10 countries most polluted by ultra fine dust are on the Asian continent.

Yet despite audacious efforts to reduce dust levels, nations around the world are not finding the results they're after. In January, Thailand tried to spray down the fine dust with water airplanes normally used to tackle fires. With little to show for it, the government said it would tackle diesel emissions and improve its public transportation. India sprayed the air with large water cannons. It eliminated 95 percent of the dust in its reach, but critics say it's not a long-term solution. Meanwhile, China cut 10 to 20 percent of fine dust in one city where a tower-sized air purifier had been installed.