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He that is not handsome at twenty...스무 살에 잘 생기지 못하고... 스무 살에 잘 생기지 못하고, 서른 살에 힘세지 않고, 마흔 살에 돈 못 벌고, 쉰 살에 현명하지 못하면, 결코 잘 생기거나, 힘세거나, 돈 벌거나, 현명해질 수 없다. He that is not handsome at twenty, nor strong at thirty, nor rich at forty, nor wise at fifty, will never be handsome, strong, rich or wise. 조지 허버트George Herbert 나이마다 해야할 일들이 있다. 그 일들에 대한 것을 정확하게 말한 것 같다. ㅎㅎ
half-baked 섣부른 half-baked 섣부른 빵이 반만 익은 경우라면 아직 먹을 수 없는 상태일 것이다. 따라서 이 표현은 허점이 많고 완전하지 않은 대상을 말할 때 사용된다. I hate it when Sam offers his half-baked ideas.He always takes up our time. 나는 샘이 섣부른 아이디어를 내놓을 때 짜증이 나. 걔는 항상 우리 시간을 낭비하잖아.
hale and hearty 정정한 hale and hearty 정정한 나이가 아주 많은 어르신의 건강 상태가 매우 좋은 것을 나타내는 표현이다. Your grandfather is playing tennis. He's just hale and hearty. 네 할아버지께서 테니스를 하고 계시는 구나. 아주 정정하셔.
one's hair stands on end 머리가 쭈뼛하다 one's hair stands on end 머리가 쭈뼛하다 이 표현은 머리카락이 끝부분까지 곧추선 모습을 말함으로써, 매우 겁에 질리고 소름끼친 순간을 나타낸다. What happened when he heard the scream? His hair stood on end. 그 비명을 들었을 때 그는 어땠니? 머리가 쭈뼛했대.
gung-ho 매우 열성적인 gung-ho 매우 열성적인 이 표현은 어떤 일을 무척 열성적으로 달려들어서 하는 모습을 나타내는 말이다. Erin is all gung-ho on equal fights for women.You said it. 에린은 여성의 동등한 권리에 관해서 매우 열성적이야. 맞아.
get in on the ground floor 처음부터 관여하다 get in on the ground floor 처음부터 관여하다 the ground floor는 1층이므로, get int on the ground floor는 어떤 사업이나 계획의 첫 단계부터 참여했음을 나타낸다. How did he get rich? He got in on the ground floor of the Internet business. 그 사람은 어떻게 부자가 되었니? 인터넷 사업에 처음부터 관여했기 때문이야
At least two vehicles painted as ambulances were used in a suicide bombing in Afghanistan, and with the death toll mounting, the incident is being called one of the worst attacks in the Afghan capital’s history. At least two vehicles painted as ambulances were used in a suicide bombing in Afghanistan, and with the death toll mounting, the incident is being called one of the worst attacks in the Afghan capital’s history. The Afghan capital of Kabul has been struck by yet another terror attack, the second of such major attack in a week. At least two vehicles painted as ambulances were used in the suicide ..
As the Arctic cold wave continues to grip the nation, prices of vegetables, such as pumpkin, cucumber and green pepper, have jumped around 50 percent this month. As the Arctic cold wave continues to grip the nation, prices of vegetables, such as pumpkin, cucumber and green pepper, have jumped around 50 percent this month. As the Arctic cold wave continues to grip the nation, prices of vegetables, such as pumpkins, cucumbers and green peppers, have jumped around 50 percent this month. Following a period of frequent snow and rain, prices of vegetables from..