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English News

#Netizens in #Japan are criticizing their government’s failed push at the #WTO to get #Korea to import fish and #seafood from waters near #Fukushima, the site of the 2011 #nuclear #disaster. 


Netizens in Japan are criticizing their government’s failed push at the WTO to get Korea to import fish and seafood from waters near Fukushima, the site of the 2011 nuclear disaster. In a typical comment, one user recognized Korea’s right to ensure its people’s safety, asking, “does Japan import fish without knowing they’re safe? It doesn’t, but it’s trying to force someone else to.” High-ranking officials have weighed in too, but seem unwilling to accept the WTO’s ruling. The minister of fisheries, Yoshikawa Takamori, said the day the ruling came out that he doesn’t think it means Japanese marine products are unsafe. Foreign Minister Taro Kono, too, said the Japanese government has not changed its position.
